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On-the-Job Evaluation

On-the-job evaluation enables the Coachee to provide practical Coaching for Sales representatives based on selling models relevant to your country and by evaluating customer interactions that Coachee performs daily. During an On-the-job evaluation, the coach will be able to join the Coachee for direct customer interaction and provide feedback based on their experience during the live interaction.


Pitcher Coaching provides an opportunity wherein a Coach can provide feedback to their Coachee after a customer interaction through On-the-Job Evaluation. It is also a more practical way of Coaching based on a customized engagement model for each country.

  • For each engagement, detailed feedback can be provided.

  • Based on the feedback, the next actions can be assigned to the Coach or Coachee.

  • Only a Coach can provide an On-the-Job evaluation for their team members.

  • The Coachee can review and acknowledge their feedback in the Pitcher Impact application.

On-the-Job Evaluation - Roles of Coach and the CoacheeCoaching Selling ModelsAdd Coach to a Customer InteractionOn-the-job Evaluation - Process Flow

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