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Route Optimization on windows

This part describes Route Optimization feature on Windows. It also covers save trip functionality for the windows platform.

Trip Planning

To plan a trip select the accounts and then click on the Trip Plan button on the top left corner of the window (see image below). Notice that the number of accounts selected is also shown along side the Trip Plan button.

Trip planning

Trip planning

Trip plan window will appear where the user can provide the following details:

  1. Trip name

  2. Each Meeting Duration

  3. Preparation time for each meeting

Save The Trip

To save the trip give suitable name in the first field of the Trip planner window and then save it.

Save trip

Save trip

Each Meeting Duration

Default duration time for each meeting is 30 minutes and maximum duration that can be allotted between the meetings is 6 hours.

Each meeting duration

Each meeting duration

Preparation Time

It is the time needed to prepare for the meetings before starting a call. It allows the user to adjust the minimal gap between meetings. The preparation time is added before each scheduled meeting, including the first one. Default preparation time is 10 minutes with gap difference of 5 minutes and possible values are:

No gap (0 minutes), 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 minutes.

Preparation time for each meeting

Preparation time for each meeting

For scheduling see the quick call scheduling.

The default starting time of the day is 9 am and it can be adjusted using the Pitcher Settings. Workday starting and ending hours can also be adjusted and reset back to default on the Calendar settings by the user.

Pitcher settings for calendar and time

Route optimization

The route can be optimized by using data from google maps. In order to optimize the route, select at least one account and tap the Optimize button in the bottom left corner of the pop up window.

Optimize the trip

Optimize the trip

The map fetches the current location from the device. Starting point can also be changed by providing another location name on the top of the screen (see image below). Thhe current/selected location is marked with a red marker on the map. It is the start and finish of the trip. Markers with numbers in them means the accounts to be visited. Tapping on each of the markers shows the account name.

At the bottom, the total travel time and distance of the trip is shown.

Optimized route

After seeing the suggestions click Accept (on the top right corner of the screen . See above image). The map will hide and the list of accounts will get reordered to assure the shortest travel time. To the top left of each account Estimated travel time information is shown. Also right below the name of each account, total distance is shown in KM.

Estimated travel time along with distance

The accounts can be reordered and the travel times will get updated accordingly (based on the data fetched from Google Maps). An account can be removed or added to the list. However, for the newly added accounts, there won’t be any travel time information for commuting from and to other accounts. In order to get that information, use Optimize trip feature again.

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