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Home Screen Navigation on Android

This part explains the primary usage of the UI and how to access the content. For accessing Home Screen, refer Installation, Login, And Instance Selection on Android All the features and functionalities shown on this page are explained in detail in the subsequent chapters and segments.

UI can be different for various instances, but the simple principles are similar across all implementations.

Main Screen

Home screen on android device

Home screen on android device

This is the main access hub to all parts of the application:

  1. Sub-Navigation menu- Using the large buttons, it is possible to navigate through different types of content bundled in the app like presentations, brochures, videos, publications and the interactives.

  2. Search - Users can easily search materials inside Pitcher through the names of content pieces or keywords added by the system admin.

  3. Quit - Quits the application

  4. Support -  For additional support, users can tap on it and use the default email client to contact support.

  5. Category - Lists the categories when tapped. Some instances might have different categories of content as well. We can switch between categories, where each category contains different set of content.

  6. Sync Status - Allows the user to track pending items waiting to sync as well as syncing errors when connected to the CRM.

  7. Start Meeting - If the instance is connected to the CRM, Planned calls will be shown and the user will be able to initiate one.

  8. Meeting Planner - Opens the calendar and the user can plan future meetings.

  9. Send Documents - The users can easily send their presentations to their customers using this function.

  10. Create Slideset - Allows the user to create tailor-made presentations, depending on the needs of the different customers. 

Please note all content is accessible both online and offline.

Sub Navigation

Some UI contains Sub Navigation in the Main Screen where each sub-navigation has the accessible files. To launch a file, click on the thumbnail. The details of each sub-category and functionality will be discussed below. Each Sub Navigation menu will display number of contents.

Sub-navigation menus in portrait mode

Sub-navigation menus in portrait mode

Sub-navigation menus in landscape mode

Sub-navigation menus in landscape mode


This sub navigation consists of PowerPoint presentations. When the Presentations menu is tapped the user will see the following screens

Presentations sub navigation menu

Presentations sub navigation menu


Displays the product brochures. The Brochures are generally PDF files.

To know more about PDF navigation visit this link.


Contains marketing and training videos.


Publications sub navigation menu consists of journals that have been published for client’s customer reference.

These are also PDF generally. PDF navigation can be referred to know more about PDF in general.


Interactives sub-navigation menu

Interactives sub-navigation menu

Interactives can contain different types of forms, documents. Here are some of the important interactives which user will find in the impact app :

  1. My inflight Dashboard

  2. Coaching Form

  3. Consent Management

  4. Inflight Sales Report

  5. Postcall Form

  6. Sample Management.

Search Content

To search for a content use the search bar to find the materials based on name or keyword added by the Pitcher Administrator.

Search content

Search content

Category Selection

Category selection

Category selection

As discussed before, each instance can have multiple categories (products, areas, visit flows etc.) and these categories can be chosen from the category selection button.

Start Meeting Menu

This menu is for starting a call. The calls could be a quick call, unplanned call or a detailed call. It also lists the upcoming calls.

Start meeting option on home screen

Start meeting option on home screen

Start meeting pop-up window

Start meeting pop-up window

Meeting Planner

This menu is used for planning quick and detailed calls.

Meeting planner in the home screen

Meeting planner options

More details could be found in the subsequent pages

If the user is accessing the instance for the first time, tapping on either start meeting or meeting planner will open a CRM login pop window. This will appear only if the user is accessing the instance first time or using the app after a prolonged period of time when the CRM session expires.

Send Documents

Users can send one or multiple documents to their customer, colleagues or themselves via email.

Send Documents

Send Documents

Refer this link to learn about send documents.

Create Slide Set

This menu allows the user to create slide sets including custom slide decks. The user can create simple presentation or create a presentation by embedding PDFs, videos, etc.

Create slide set option

Create slide set option

Custom presentation creation

Custom presentation creation

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