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Supported Upload Formats

This page describes the supported upload formats for a PowerPoint and a Keynote presentation document.

Upload PPT/Keynote Presentation

The easiest way to get started is to upload a PPT/Keynote in Pitcher Admin as a first step.

For further instructions refer to the Uploading Documents page.

Pitcher uses an automated conversion engine that can lay out the foundations of an HTML5 based presentation, saving time & effort for standard needs such as: 

  • Static content

  • Simple animations such as fade in/out, scale in/out, drop, move, rotate.

  • Hyperlinks between pages and content

  • Navigation menu

  • References

File Conversion

There are certain areas where a PowerPoint/Keynote based file conversion falls short as a product such as:

  • Interactions such as non-linear animations within same page

  • Calculators, forms

  • Complex navigation elements such as Carousels, Wheels etc.

These items can be easily 'injected' over the standard HTML generated by the conversion engine, rather than developing everything from scratch.  

It's also a wide known fact that PowerPoint/Keynote is not a designer’s tool. They lack the freedom and precision of design tools such as Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop or InDesign.

For this reason, the typical process starts from Adobe InDesign, via export to static PNGs into keynote / PowerPoint, insertion of animations and hyperlinks, ending with automatic conversions to HTML5. If necessary further elements can be added directly over the generated HTML.

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