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Presentation Overlay Menu on Windows Platform

Accessing Overlay Menu

By double clicking on the presentation, the Overlay Menu appears.

Accessing overlay menu

Accessing overlay menu

  1. Home - It will take back to the home screen

  2. Annotation Tools - Allows to create annotations.

  3. Fit to Page - The file will adjust to the page

  4. Fit to Width - Clicking here will adjust file to window

  5. Layout - Depending on the user preference layout of the file can be changed.

  6. Save Annotations - Save changes made to the presentation.

  7. Save as Images - Saves the page as images.

  8. Print - Prints the pages

  9. Bookmark - Bookmark the page of the presentation.

  10. Search - Searches different Keywords in the open file

  11. Go to Page - Allows user to jump to any other slide in the document

  12. Controls - The control button gives you the option of oversee annotations as well as allows you to use a thumbnail slider to go through the different slides in a presentation.

  13. Send Email - Allows the user to send certain presentations directly from the device.

  14. Links - User can create a link to share the content with others.

  15. Quick Jump - button will allow you to quickly jump to other slides on your instance and then switch back to the presentation easily

Some presentations may be greyed out, indicating it's not possible to send these presentations

Overlay Menu Controls

On clicking the Controls button three options will be shown to the user.

Overlay menu controls

Overlay menu controls

Annotations List

Displays the list of annotated text.

Annotations list

Annotations list

Annotations Menu

Annotations menu

Annotations menu

  1. This allows to add comments to the slide

  2. Highlight the text

  3. Underline the text

  4. Cross through the text

  5. Adds the text to the annotation list

  6. Add signature to the document

  7. Draw on the slides or pages by using the pen function, chose colors and edit as seen below.

  8. Erase what you have drawn

  9. Write text

10. Add arrows to the pages

11. Allows to draw lines

12. Add square shapes or outlines

13. Add circular shapes or outlines

14. To move the different annotations use the hand tool

15. Use the X button to close the annotation tools

Thumbnail Slider

Displays the thumbnails for various pages of the presentation.

Thumbnail slider

Thumbnail slider

Drawing Menu

Drawing menu

Drawing menu

Once the changes have been made with the pen function, tap on the annotation to access the draw menu

  1. Go back to the presentation and exit from the menu.

  2. Delete the annotation.

  3. Add a note to the selected annotation.

  4. Change color of the lines

  5. Thickness option allows to control the thickness of the lines around selected area

  6. Opacity allows to control the opacity of the selected area

Quick Jump in Presentation

Quick jump in presentation

Quick jump in presentation

  1. Clicking on the Quick Jump option will show a popover with all the other contents within the instance. Click on any title to jump to that content.

  2. The popover allows to search for bookmarks added within the pages and also add bookmark name.

This jumping method can come in handy for answering questions.

The difference between going back to home screen and launching other content and accessing over Quick Jump button is, once the newly launched content is closed, it can be accessed via Quick Jump, and it will open the presentation from the point where it was left.

Presentation Controls

Presentation controls

Presentation controls

  1. Home - Takes back to home screen

  2. Notes - Displays the notes for the current slide.

  3. Toggle Controls - Turns on/off the navigation controls in the presentation.

  4. Share - Share the specific presentation chapter to nearby contacts, through email attachment or through other apps.

  5. Send Email - Allows the user to send the presentation via Pitcher Connect, Pitcher Zero Drive and email.

  6. Start Annotating - opens annotations menu for the presentation.

  7. Bookmark - allows to bookmark particular page in the presentation.

  8. Chapters - Displays all the list of chapters in the presentation.

  9. Overview - Displays the overview of the individual chapters.

  10. Navigation - Navigation controls for the presentation

  11. Quick Jump - Allows to jump to the last left chapter in the presentation.

  12. Links - User can create links to share.

Presentation Toggle Controls

It hides and shows the arrows on the bottom right corner. For displays without touch controls to swipe they can click on arrows to navigate presentation.

Presentation toggle controls

Presentation toggle controls

Annotating Presentation

Annotation presentation

Annotation presentation

  1. Color palette - Allows color selection for scribbling in the presentation.

  2. Controls the thickness of the line

  3. Undo the changes

  4. Select Pointer vs Pencil

  5. Sends the slide in the background

  6. Exits annotation mode.

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