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Presentation Navigation on Windows Platform

This chapter covers the simple navigation of Presentations.

The UI can be different for various instances. This depends on the customer’s requirements and customization, but the simple principles are similar across all implementations.

Accessing and Launching Presentations

Press on the sub-navigation or use the search function to find the file. Tap onto the file to open it

Accessing and launching presentations

Accessing and launching presentations

Browsing through Slides

Navigation through the slides can be done either using the arrows on the keypad or by swiping over the mouse pad or using the navigation controls on the presentation (see image below).

In certain instances, slides under a chapter are grouped vertically and chapters ordered horizontally. This allows easy jump between chapters (swipe left/right) and going deeper into a specific topic (swipe up/down).

Horizontal: Navigation between chapters

Vertical: Navigation within a chapter

Vertical and horizontal navigation

Vertical and horizontal navigation


Hotspots can be easily identified by grey rectangles and they provide access to predefined content, such as

  • another page within the same presentation

  • another file in the instance

  • a webpage

The exact behavior of each hotspot can be defined and managed by the content manager

If the user is in pitching mode (please see relevant part of the tutorial) these hotspots will be hidden but still clickable.

Hotspots in a presentation

Hotspots in a presentation

Interactive Slides

In some slides there can be some interactive buttons.

For more information about these custom slides, please refer to the Management tools section.

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