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Planning and Executing Detailed Calls on iPad

This page provides a detailed description of the planning and execution of detailed calls on iPad.

To open the Detailed Call option in Meeting Planner, the user must log in to CRM.

Ensure Full Calendar Access

For Call planning to work, ensure Pitcher Impact has Full Access permission for Calendars in iOS settings. You can change the access permission by going into Settings > Pitcher > Calendars and selecting Full Access.

Meeting Planner

Two types of calls can be executed under the meeting planner button:

  • Detailed Call

  • Quick Call

Detailed Call Planning

  1. To plan a detailed call, tap on the Meeting Planner and then click on Detailed, as shown in the image below

    Use Meeting Planner button for planning Detailed Call

    Use the Meeting Planner button for planning Detailed Calls.

  2. Choose the call date for the planned call from the calendar and Choose contacts to access accounts split up according to the location.

    Choose Contacts from the pre-call form

    Choose Contacts from the pre-call form.

Search and Select Contacts

  1. Search the account inside a complete list of cities or/and all account menu lists.

    Search and select contacts from the accounts

    Search and select contacts from the accounts.

    1. Navigate on the map to see pins corresponding to the locations of accounts/contacts.

Note: You may not see any location pins on the map if you don’t select any accounts/contacts or apply a filter that does not return any accounts/contacts.

  1. Use filter criteria to filter the selection.

    Filter criteria to for selection

    Filter criteria for selection

  2. To look at a specific account and all its related information, tap on the native Pitcher card icon. This will open a Pitcher Zero account card, where the user can view everything related to the account.

    account details

    account details

  3. Select a contact by tapping on the contact.

    Select Contact

    Select Contact

  4. As in Accounts, it is possible to see contact card information by tapping on the native card icon, as shown below.

    Contact details

    Contact details

  5. History allows us to see on what date and when a slide was shown from a presentation to a specific contact.

    History of the presentation done to the contact

    History of the presentation done to the contact

  6. Click the Next button to return to the original page to select content.

    Go to the planning page

    Go to the planning page.

Colour Coding For the Contacts List

Note: This feature requires integration with the Pitcher development team. Please work with your Pitcher support executive to get this enabled.

The renderPinImagesOnContactsList parameter, in conjunction with the contactPinColors parameter, allows you to set different pin colours for contacts in the contacts list.


renderPinImagesOnContactsList: true

	"contactPinColors": {
		"attr": "segment__c",
		"values": [
				"value": "A1",
				"color": "red"
				"value": "A2",
				"color": "green"

Search and Select Content

Choose Contents to add specific content to show during this call. Content could be automatically added based on CRM info criteria like Type, Segmentation, etc. It is possible to add specific content for each contact, selecting the contact first.

Choose content on the planning page

Choose content on the planning page

Any material in this list may be selected as it has been approved to be shown to contacts from this account

Choose content from the list

Choose content from the list

Call Objectives

Additionally, it is possible to add free text objectives for that call

Add call objectives

Add call objectives

Create Call

Finally, select a time and create the call

Create Call

Create Call

A call is created and appears in the calendar

call is shown in the calendar

the call is shown in the calendar

iPad Calendar view

iPad Calendar View

iPad Calendar View

The entry on the iOS device calendar can be found for the scheduled detailed call, and clicking the link will launch the impact app.

  1. Note: History is stored in iOS devices, so a refresh or new installation will delete the information. Analytical info will be stored permanently in Pitcher Insight.

  2. Pitcher Zero is only available based on your licensee fee.

Executing A Planned Call

Start Meeting

Any call can be executed through the Start Meeting option on the home screen. When tapped, a window displays all the planned calls in the list. If they are already planned, else it will appear empty.

Planned call in the list of start meeting option

Planned call in the list of start meeting option

A planned call will appear in the start meeting list.

Check the details of the account.

Sometimes the user may want to check the account details before starting the planned meeting. To do this, tap on the native card icon.

Check account details

Check account details

A new window will open where the user can check the account details

Account details card

Account details card

Edit Account Details

The user can also edit the details. To edit, tap on the edit field.

Edit account details

Edit account details

View account details online

Users can opt to check account details online.

View Account details online

View Account details online.

To check the details, tap on the View Online option(in the top left corner of the screen).

Login to check the account details online

Login to check the account details online

A new login window will open on the browser where the user can provide credentials for login.

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