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Pitcher Impact and Pitcher Zero on iPhone

Tap to open the Pitcher app on iPhone.

  1. Tap to access the instance

  2. Tap to Enter the code provided by your admin and get access to further instances

  1. Enter the code you received here

  2. Your device name is pre-filled. change it if you like, e.g. "Peter's Pitcher iPhone"

  3. Metadata may be automatically associated depending on the code you received. Otherwise, leave this empty, your admin can associate the necessary metadata later.

  4. Tap to confirm

  5. Tap to cancel

If new content is available and your iPhone is connected to the internet, you will see the download popup:


Tap "Download" to receive content now (fast and stable internet connection recommended).

Tap "Later" to download at a later time.



After the download is complete / if your device is offline, you'll continue to the home screen (or login screen, depending on your settings)

  1. Tap to access the Inflight dashboard (see also

  2. Tap to access videos / other content

  3. Tap to start the call / store audit (see also

  4. Tap to log in to (connection required)

  5. Tap to exit Pitcher


If "Auto Sync with CRM At Launch" is activated in your Pitcher settings and you have an internet connection, the app will immediately try to connect to and the login window will appear if you hadn't logged in previously.

Make sure you're connecting to the correct org (sandbox / production), enter your credentials, and tap Allow. 


Pitcher will now start loading data from Please let the sync run until it is complete and the black bar disappears.

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