Pitcher 360 - Territory Dashboard
The territory dashboard is presented to you by default upon first accessing the application and is the only dashboard available for sales representatives.
The territory dashboard comprises multiple interactive widgets that show the information in a glanceable and actionable way. Let us take a look at each widget in detail.
The reach widget shows the following reach statistics for the sales representative so that they can track their weekly goal:
Reach Frequency is calculated from the beginning of the quarter to the current date.
Accounts Met shows the number of interactions with individual customer accounts.
You can also click the “Open SF” button to navigate a SalesForce login page and log in to a different Salesforce account.
The topic widget shows the ten hottest topics of the past six months as a heat map. The topics widget helps sales representatives to address these topics with their customers during a meeting. You may see the discussion or insight topics based on the backend configuration.
The engagement widget shows the planned engagements for the coming week. The widget helps sales representatives plan their week accordingly and complete the required tasks.
The timeline widget allows a Sales representative to see a timeline of all past and planned engagements with a customer. The sales representative can see past customer interactions, materials shared, and any past interactions planned with a customer.
The task widget shows the tasks assigned to a sales representative for the next three weeks. Similar to the engagements widget, this widget was designed to help the sales representatives plan their week accordingly.
Adding a new task
You can click on the “+ ADD” button to bring up the task-create form. Please fill in the following fields to create a new task.
The fields ending with the * subscript are mandatory.
Field name | Description |
Subject* | Subject or title of the task. |
Description | A lengthy description of the task. |
Assigned To* | Account name (automatically populated). |
Due Date | The due date for the task. |
Name | The assignee of the task. |
Related To | Customer account name. |
Engagement Link | Engagement topic for the task. |
Priority* | Select one of the priorities of the task:
Status* | Select one of the priorities of the task:
Editing a task
You can click on a specific task to bring up the task-edit form. The edit form contains the fields in the “Adding a task” section.