Employee 360
The Employee 360 is the first screen visible to a Sales Rep when they log into their Coaching account via the Pitcher Impact application.
What Does Employee 360 Contain?
The Employee 360 consists of the following information:
Skill Evaluations
My Actions
Assigned Actions
Skills Evaluation Overview
Coachings Card
Coaching is a type of Mission that contains a structured coaching curriculum for the employee to complete training.
The Coachings card lists all the Coachings assigned to an employee/sales rep.
The Coachings card contains two tabs for “Active” and “Completed” Coachings.
Contains a list of all active coachings.
Contains a list of all completed coachings.
The Coaching card also contains a “+ Add” button to add more coachings.
Skill Evaluations
The Skill Evaluations card lists all Skill Evaluations assigned to the Coachee.
The Skill Evaluations card contains two tabs for “Active” and “Completed” Skill Evaluations.
Contains a list of all open Skill Evaluations.
Contains a list of all completed Skill Evaluations.
My Actions Card
The “My Actions” card lists all actions assigned to you by a Coach.
The My Actions card contains two “Open” and “Completed” tabs.
Contains a list of all open actions.
Contains a list of all completed actions.
Assigned Actions
The “Assigned Actions” card lists all actions that you assign to other users.
The Assigned Actions card contains two “Open” and “Completed” tabs.
Contains a list of all open actions.
Contains a list of all completed actions.
Skills Evaluation Overview
The “Skills Evaluation Overview” card lists an overview of recent Coach evaluations.