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Detailed Calls Management in Windows

Planning Detailed Call allows to schedule detailed calls selecting pre-content materials based on customer segmentation and report pre-call notes. Planned calls will be synced to the CRM.


Select The Planning Button

The Planning button can be found on the home screen. With the Planning button Detailed call can be planned.


Choose the Detailed option

After clicking the Planning button, two options would be displayed for the user to select. Detailed option needs to be selected for planning Detailed call.

Choose call date for the planned call

Once the user clicks on the Detailed option a calendar will open where user can select the date and time for the call.

Pre Call Note/Form

Once the user double taps on the entry in calendar, A Pre Call note/form opens which allows user to add/edit various details

Choose Contact

It allows to select contact from the displayed list or by searching the contact in the search bar. It also allows to adjust start and end date as well as time.

  1. Start date ,time and also End date, time can also be adjusted from here.

  2. Contact/Contacts can be either selected from the list or can be searched in the search bar.

The Map

The map can be opened by clicking the pin button. Map serves various purpose. See the details below

Map Details
  1. Back - Takes the user back to planning page.

  2. Calendar - Opens the system default calendar

  3. Accounts/Cities/Contacts - Allows the user to list accounts, cities and contacts.

  4. Search Bar - Allows the user to search accounts, cities and contacts.

  5. All Contacts - Lists all the contacts

  6. My position - displays the user’s current location on map.

  7. Sort By - Sorts the accounts alphabetically

  8. Filters - Provides the filter for the accounts. Accounts not visited are displayed if selected. Filters applicable are all, 30, 60, 90 and 120 days.

  9. No. of accounts - Displays the number of accounts on the map

  10. Sync Map - when the sync map is on , the app only list accounts whose coordinates are viewed in the map at that point.

  11. Select - Becomes activated after contact has been selected and then it is clicked to confirm the contact selection.

  12. Map - Main map displayed.

Map Use Cases
Only Map option is clicked

If map option is clicked without any selected contact then all the accounts will be displayed on the map

When Contact is selected and Map option is clicked

Then the contact’s location would be displayed on the map.

Search the account

The user can search the account inside full list of cities or/and inside all account menu list

Sort Accounts Alphabetically

Accounts can be sort alphabetically.

Filter Criteria

Accounts can be filtered based on not visited.

In order to select contact from the account, search for the account and then click on the contact. Once the contact/contacts have been selected, click on select button.

The user can also create new contact.

Create New Contact

The user can also create new contact using the option Create New

Call Objective

Give the call objective

Select Document

This option allows the sales representative to attach content that will be shared with the user during the call.

Select Document to add specific content to show during this call.

It is possible to add specific content for each contact selecting the contact first

Finalize Call

To finalize the call save button has to be clicked.

Check the Finalized Call in the Calendar

Once the call is finalized it will appear on the Calendar.


Calls can be replanned using various options as described below

Edit The Call

The start and end time for the call can be edited by double clicking the call.

In order to edit the details of the call, click on the Edit Event Details which will open the call for further editing.

Delete The Call

There various ways through which a detailed planned call can be deleted.

via cross mark

On the calendar position the cursor on the call a x mark will appear, if clicked it will ask for confirmation to delete the call.

Via Double Clicking The Call

A detailed planned call can also be deleted by clicking on the call and a window will open for editing the call.

Via Edit Event Details

When Edit Event Details button is clicked Call details will be shown and the call can be deleted from there as well.

Start The Call

The call can be started by using one of the following options:

Via Start Button On Home Screen

Via Call Details Window

If there is a need to edit the call before starting it then the details of the calls can be checked and the call can be started by clicking the start button on call details window.

Stop The Call

Call can be stopped by clicking the stop button.

Post Call Form

After the stop button has been clicked a post call form is opened.

User can fill in the details and submit the post call form. The Back button provides various options.

The Back Button offers the user following options:

  1. Do not log the call and cancel the call

  2. Resume the call and submit the post call form later.

  3. Keep the call unexecuted

  4. Save the call and submit post call form later.

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