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This page gives an overview about how to access, edit and create dashboards in Pitcher Insight. When you have created several reports and charts you can then create a dashboard which can host several reports in one page. A dashboard can host all the reports about a specific business area and provide an overview of the current business status and key performance indicators.

Accessing Dashboards

To access all the dashboards created follow these steps:

1. Click on the Dashboards tab at the top navigation.

2. Now you can access or edit individual dashboard.

Creating Dashboard

You can create a dashboard that contains only the reports you need to access with one click and view them all in one window. You need to create all the reports and save them before you can create a new dashboard. In order to create a dashboard:

1. Click on New button.

2. Enter a name for the dashboard and click on Save.

Editing Dashboard

Once you have created a dashboard you can now edit to make changes to the dashboard such as add/remove reports, delete the dashboard, make a copy of the dashboard and change the positions & sizes of the reports. Follow these steps to edit a dashboard:

1. Select a dashboard you want to edit.

2. To add reports click on Add report button and a popup will appear with a list of reports.

Once the reports are added click on Close button to close the popup.

3. To export a dashboard click on the download icon on the top.

4. To download an individual report click on the download icon on the right side of the report. Also there is a table icon on the left of download icon which can be used to change the view of the report to table format.

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