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Connect Reports

This page gives knowledge on how to access and download Pitcher Connect Reports in Pitcher Reporting. The Connect Report is only applicable for the Instances/Users for the Pitcher Connect Module.

Access Pitcher Connect Report

In order to access and download Pitcher Connect Report follow these steps:

  1. Select Report Type - Choose the Connect Report Type.

  2. Select Report - Select the report to be generated from dropdown list.

  3. Select Instance - Choose the Connect Instance.

  4. Select Users - Choose for which Connect Users (if not all) you would like to generate the report for.

  5. Generate Report - Click on Generate Report button to generate the report.

Connect Report Data

The Connect Reports contain the following Data:

  • File ID - lists the id of the file(s) downloaded from Pitcher Connect

  • File Name - lists the name of the file(s)

  • Shared by (Name) - lists the name of the user by whom the file has been shared

  • Shared by (Email) - lists the email of the user by whom the file has been shared

  • Shared to (Name) - lists the name of the user with whom the file has been shared

  • Shared to (Email) - lists the email of the user with whom the file has been shared

  • Status - lists the status of the file

  • Created Time - lists the creation time & date of the file

  • Status Update Time - lists the status update time

  • First Look Time - lists the date & time when the file was first checked

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