Batch Functionality
This page gives an overview about the Batch Functionality for the document(s) in Pitcher Admin. "Batch" allows you to edit/add "tags" and "keywords" to a Presentation. The purpose of this is to create keywords for individual slides so that they can be searched for on your device. This is extremely helpful to find the exact slide you are looking for among many presentations.
Export an Excel
Follow these steps to export an excel for selected document(s).
1. Select a file and click on "Actions" dropdown.
2. Click on "Batch" button as shown below.

3. Once you have clicked on "Batch", the window below will appear. Under the Heading "Export Excel" you can see the document you selected previously.
4. By clicking on "Add All" you can add all the Presentations from the instance into the "Files" list to edit them all at once. (To remove them either click on "Remove All" or click the "x" on the right-hand side of the Presentation name).
5. Click "Download" to generate an Excel document with the Presentation details, as shown in the next step.

Excel Document Data
The Excel document shows the following information:
A) File ID,
B) File Name,
C) Slide Number,
D) Slide Name,
E) Slide Tags,
F) Slide Keywords,
G) Slide Search Keys
H) Slide Notes.
Note: When you download the Excel document Column G "Slide Search Keys" will show all the text from within the slide.

Column E "Slide Tags" can be searched from the UI search bar, Briefcase search bar, Binoculars search bar and seen in the Post-Call Form.
Column G "Slide Search Keys" can be searched from the UI search bar, Briefcase search bar and Binoculars search bar.
Enter keywords you wish to search for on your device. See the red text in the image below.

Pitcher Impact: Depending on the User Interface of your instance the location of the Search Bar may be different.
Search from UI - Tap on "Search" and enter the keyword ("Pitcher 7") specified in the Excel document above for the slides in Column E or Column G. The presentation that contains the slide you searched for will appear in the search results. Tap on it to open (it does not take you to the specific slide).

Search from Briefcase - From a within a presentation, you can search for specific slide keywords of another presentation. Enter the slide keyword into the Briefcase search bar and you will see a list of results.
Below you can see the result from the search. "Test Presentation BV 6.pptx" and the "Tag: Pitcher 3" we defined in Column E or Column G. If you tap on the Presentation it will open to the exact slide you gave the keyword to, in this case, slide 3.

Search from Binoculars - To look for keywords from within a presentation (slides) tap the binoculars button and then enter your keyword ("Pitcher 3") into the search bar.
The results show the exact slide where the keyword was given. In the results below you can see that "Slide 3" has the keyword "Pitcher 3" given in Column E or Column G.

Discussion Items - After completing a meeting with an account/contact you can see the keywords from the slides you showed during the meeting. This is visible in the Post-Call Form (this is just one example of how it can look) under "Discussion Items".

Import Excel
Once the Slide Tags & Keywords are updated the excel sheet can be uploaded back into the instance. Follow these steps to upload the excel document:
1. Click on the Browse button in the Import Excel section and select the excel document to upload.
2. Click on Upload button to upload the document.

Once the excel document is uploaded successfully a success message will be displayed at the top of the window.