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Allow Access to Camera in Safari (Mobile/Tablet)

How to give access to webcam & microphone on an iOS device

To have a call on iOS devices, it is required to provide access to the webcam and microphone. Safari requires the user answer this each time.

If the user responded with Block/Cancel once, then they can simply reload the page and Safari will ask one more time.

Press Allow when prompted: 

  1. It is should be ensured that the user is not in private mode in Safari 11+ 

  2. Ensure the iPad doesn't have the zoom feature enabled

If the user is still unable to see themselves in the video feed, then they may need to check a few things in the following order:

  1. Restart the Safari browser app

  2. Make sure the camera works with FaceTime. 

  3. Make sure there is nothing blocking the camera and is clean of any dirt or smudges

On iOS 13+, the user can also select the camera and microphone to be enabled by default for an easier login / customer check-in experience. 

  1. Go to Settings on your device 

  2. Scroll down and open Safari tab

  3. Ensure Camera & Microphone are set to Allow

  4. Make sure Request Desktop Site option is turned off

The can also test the device here to ensure everything is working correctly.

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